Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


...the true "liberals" in political discourse.  Much of the argument in today's diners and coffeeshops is not really liberal vs. conservative.  Due to the aggressive push of the new administration, we are in a totalitarian vs. libertarian argument. 

Totalitarianism is where the government controls every aspect of your life - eating, working, health, death, housing, etc.  In a totalitarian state, people fear the government.  For instance, the new administration is trying to scare people right now with the new "enemies list".

Libertarianism believes that individuals make better decisions about these things than a big government.  In a free state, the government fears the people.

American's have a history of being for freedom and liberty.  We are unique.  We are not like the Europeans.  We left the governing of an European country when IT tried to control us - right?  Our founding fathers were not looking for all of their problems to be "solved" with more government.  The created a limited government.

Many other nations fear liberty.  Mainly their "leaders". 

Some in those nations have sought the comfort of a warm and fuzzy government which promises to magically take care of all of live's needs - and have suffered the consequences  -- humans simply mishandle power

Solution:  don't give us much power.  Don't invite us to become tyrants - limit government; keep power close to the people.  Our forefathers were smart about this.

Once people wake up in the US to this grab-the-power ("I think it is best for American if you give ME more power...") scam it will be over.  Mark Twain saw this - “I once sent a dozen of my friends a telegram saying “flee at once - all is discovered.” They all left town immediately.”

OK -- we are on to you - We have a top-notch health care system now.  Leave mine alone.

If we really wish the uninsured to have healthcare, that is easy - either
  a) ante up the premium money to buy insurance for them or
  b) get over this wish and move on. 
  c) A 3rd alternative would be to help the economy grow (lower taxes and    regulations)   so that everyone could go to work - and afford insurance.

dr. goodfellow -- for liberty